Conducting psycho-legal assessments is a process of applying psychological knowledge within a legal context. Sometimes this is referred to as forensic assessments.
Psycho-legal assessments are conducted by psychologists registered with the HPCSA. These psychologists should be competent with regard to the application of psychological principles within the context of the legal system and are viewed as experts who are able to testify in court.
A psycho-legal assessment consists of information-gathering utilising interviews, assessment and reviewing of available reports .
The information will presented in a report.
This report contains the psychologist’s findings and an expert opinion, and may contain recommendations on further areas that require exploration, treatment options and action to be taken.
The legal representative / -s, rather than the client / -s should contact the psychologist to request a psycho-legal assessment and provide a clear mandate.
Elise conducts psycho-legal assessments in the following contexts:
Kevin conducts psycho-legal assessments in the following contexts: